Otoplasty : Ear correction surgery

Otoplasty : Ear plastic surgery


AnaestheticProcedure TimeHospital StayStay In TunisiaBack To WorkAll Inclusive Price
Otoplasty -ear correction surgery- Local0:45-1 hour(s)1 night(s)3 night(s)5-7 day(s)£ 1850

Otoplasty Procedure

Surgery of protruding or hypertrophied ears is called otoplasty, also known as pinnaplasty surgery. This cosmetic surgery procedure allows the ears to be repositioned and remodeled by correcting the auricle cartilage defects. Indeed, otoplasty is a corrective surgery for malformations of the auricle, or in layman terms "Bat Ears". So, it allows to obtain very good aesthetic results and thus erase this small anatomical particularity which can be a source of malaise.

There are three classic anomalies. That can be present together or separately :

  • A lack of cartilage wrinkling (antihelix) inducing a lack of relief. The ear appears too smooth, unfolded.
  • Hypertrophy of the central cartilage (the conch) accentuating the projection of the ears forward.
  • An excessive back-to-ear angle (between the pinna and the skull) that can participate in the detachment mechanism: helix valgus.

This simple and reliable intervention does not usually observe recurrence. In addition to the aesthetic benefit it brings, the ear pinning surgery can put an end to possible offensive remarks that can engender psychological problems.

As for children, it is highly advised for them to have it at a young age sometimes as young as 9 years old not only for aesthetic reasons but also for psychological reasons affecting their future development both at school and at home.

Learn more about facial cosmetic procedures:

Otoplasty price

The price of an Otoplasty in Tunisia coupled with a week of recovery or vacation in a 5 stars hotel is at least % cheaper than the sole procedure in Europe and for the same medical quality.

OperationsOur priceUK priceMaking you save
Otoplasty -ear correction surgery- cost £ 1700£ 515267 %

Pre-operative Preparations

The essential step before undertaking the otoplasty is to clearly identify the objectives. During the preoperative examination, the surgeon carries out a careful examination of the ears deformation as well as a photographic report. The patient must fully explain their desires and needs, and it is also the time for them to ask any questions.

The day before the intervention, it is recommended to wash the hair and the face. As for the ears, they will be washed on the D-Day. Besides, earrings and other piercings must be removed.

How is a bilateral pinnaplasty surgery performed?

The surgical method involves the following steps:

Skin incision: The surgeon makes a skin incision behind the ear, which leaves a barely visible scar, then, a dissection allowing the skin detachment to have an access to the cartilage.

Cartilaginous remodeling: The surgeon corrects the anomalies and shapes the structure of the ears. The principle is to recreate or improve the natural reliefs, maintained by fine hidden sutures. Sometimes cartilage resections are necessary to reduce the conchal cartilage. Finally, the cartilage is repositioned, near the skull and the detachment is rectified. If necessary, the practitioner can, depending on the case, reduce the ear size.

Verification of a perfect symmetry: From the front and in profile, the pinna must be in perfect alignment with the face; it must be with harmonious curves and natural profile.

Suturing: The plastic surgeon closes the sutures by using resorbable stitches, so there is no need to remove them.

Dressings Placement: The surgeon places elastic bandage around the head in order to protect and keep the ears in good position.

Scars related to ear pinning intervention

There are two locations of the scars. If the incision is made behind the ear, in the ear crease, the pre-auricular fold, the scar is therefore not very visible. Only major hypertrophies may require an additional incision on the anterior ear's surface (within the ear folds), but these cases are extremely rare. The scars may appear a little pink and indurated knowing that their final appearance can be observed at the end of one year. The scarring will fade gradually. Besides, it is recommended to avoid sun exposure in order to obtain good healing.

Post operative effects and recovery after ear correction surgery

After an ear correction surgery, the patient may feel little pain but analgesics are sufficient to reduce it. After the intervention, the surgeon will place a dressing for 24 hours to protect the ears. However, a headband is prescribed to cover the ears for 3 weeks at least, particularly at night. Moreover, sea or swimming pools are prohibited for the duration of ing 6 weeks. A first shower with a shampoo is possible the day after otoplasty surgery. Furthermore, swelling and bruising may occur, but they will fade spontaneously after a few days. It is important to know that pinnaplasty intervention does not affect hearing. In addition, it is advised to take 3 to 7 days off, and avoid physical activities during the first month.

Results and outcome after otoplasty intervention

Ear pinning surgery corrects earsanomalies by reshaping and repositioning the cartilage, the ears are pinned back, symmetrical, non-hypertrophic, and in perfect harmony with the whole face. So, the patient should wait few months, about 1 to 3 months, in order to notice the definitive result. Within that time frame, the tissues become softened, the swelling is resorbed, and the ears are relieved.

Advices before and after ear plastic surgery

A preoperative blood test should be conducted, so that the surgeon ensures that there is no contraindications to the surgery. Some recommendations should be followed before ear surgery: It is advised to stop smoking at least one month before and after the surgery in order to avoid impairing the healing process. In addition, taking aspirin is prohibited during the 10 days preceding the otoplasty intervention. Besides, it is recommended not to eat or drink anything 6 hours before surgery.

During the first few weeks after pinnaplasty surgery, the ears should not be exposed to cold temperatures that could lead to frostbite (possible lack of transient sensitivity). Furthermore, it is also essential to avoid sun exposure during the healing period. However, showers are allowed, even recommended the next day of the surgery to maintain a good hygiene of the area behind the ear and prevent any infection. Moreover, during the postoperative period, it is important to avoid wearing glasses. Indeed, it can alter the healing process.