Male breast surgery

Female breast surgery has gained more and more ground for years. Breast augmentations and reductions are frequent and often give good results. It is not surprising to find many men who are also looking for breast enhancement through plastic surgery. Contrary to populr belief, cosmetic surgery of breast enlargement is not reserved only for women. The pectoral area is considered an important beauty and virility criterion.

Men also rely on surgical treatments to treat gynecomastia. Indeed, it is a hypertrophy of the chest. Gynecomastia surgery consists of excess fat cells liposuction and mammary gland removal. On the other hand, some body types cannot easily get the tone and the desired chest muscle sculpture. Even with exercise, some men will not be able to see the desired results simply by working well in the breast area.

As a matter of fact, the pectoral implant procedure is designed to increase the size and shape of the male breast by inserting solid silicone implants beneath the muscle. In other cases, the lack of chest muscle volume may result from growth defect or injury. In these cases, the pectoral implants can correct the pectoral area by offering a natural result. In addition, this procedure gives men the opportunity to aesthetically improve a body area surgically when no other alternative is available or desirable.

If you plan to put a pectoral implant in place or to reduce breast size through gynecomastia surgery, the following information will give you a good introduction to each procedure. Please read below in case you want detailed information on how these procedures can help you find harmony between the different proportions of the body.


Gynecomastia is much more common than one might think since it affects more than half of men. This pathology can be completely corrected, whether it is idiopathic (that is to say without cause found) or following an abnormal production of hormones related to a drug treatment or not.

Gynecomastia results in disproportional size of one or both breasts, hypersensitivity when touched and sometimes painful. It causes sometimes, severe psychological consequences. Man suffering from this pathology tend to retract from social life and avoid making intimate relationships. . Gynecomastia procedure deeply and positively affects man's masculinity. Its correction is based on medical treatment if the cause is identified, or surgical treatment if the cause has not been found (idiopathic gynecomastia). Plastic surgery allows a definitive correction of breast hypertrophy and helps in finding a harmonious chest. The gynecomastia surgery lasts between one hour and one hour and a half while the hospitalization lasts for 2 days.

The plastic surgeon begins by performing an underarm incision to remove the overdeveloped glandular part. Liposuction is also possible if the gynecomastia is of fat-origin. The surgeon removes excess fat tissue on each side, and the skin will then be tightened up. The scars are sutured with resorbable threads, and will disappear in 3 weeks. Finally, the surgeon puts a waterproof bandage, on the breast area, this dressing will be removed within 8 days postoperatively.

If it is a simple liposuction, the pains are minimal, and can be calmed down with simple analgesics. Moreover, the patient may feel tension sensations during the first postoperative week. Bruising and edema appear on the treated area and are gradually resorbed. Daily disinfection must be performed. The patient should take few days off during the first postoperative days. This depends on their professional activity. Resuming sports is only recommended after 3 to 4 weeks depending on the case. The scars will be well hidden and will disappear gradually over time. It is advised to apply healing creams up until one month of the gynecomastia procedure. The definitive and optimal result of male breast enlargement surgery is appreciable after several weeks, the time that the edema is resorbed, the excess skin retracts and the breast completely incorporates the pectoral muscle. It is necessary to wait one month to visualize the new aspect of the chest which will be in the majority of the cases firmed, flat and very robust.

Read more about plastic surgery before and after.

Pectoral implant

Not all men have the chest muscle and shape that they desire but in this day and age even formless, flat chests can find the right implants to better sculpt the area in question. The pectoral muscles are difficult to build up and firm even with the sport, for that reason the surgical way represents today the best solution to obtain a satisfactory and durable result. The male pectoral implants surgery is indicated particularly for two types of patients; young men who wish to give a more "virile" form to their breast which is not very developed, or to the middle-aged men who suffer from a breast relaxation which consequently has an unattractive appearance.

The pectoral muscle implant procedure requires a general anesthesia and lasts on average between 1h30 and 2h depending on the surgical method to be performed. The surgeon begins by making an incision of a few centimetres in the hollow of the armpit, then proceeds to insert the implants through the incision which will be placed under the pectoralis major muscle. These pectoral implants are held in place by the pectoral muscle. Finally, the plastic doctor sutures the incision with resorbable sutures and places a compression dressing over it. The patient's muscular function is not impeded, however, it will allow them to continue sports after the healing period.

The pectoral implant structure is a kind of smooth envelope filled with a very cohesive silicone gel. There are different shapes and sizes appropriate to male breast morphology. Their placement behind the pectoral muscle makes them particularly undetectable and ensures a natural and definitive appearance after 4 to 6 months. After pectoral muscle implant surgery, the patient may feel some pain in the operated area, but this feeling of discomfort will diminish after a few days. The patient may have bruising and swelling but it will eventually disappear after few weeks. The recovery period lasts between 7 and 15 days, during which the patient must avoid any physical effort. Resuming sports will take place after 6 or 8 weeks. The patient may notice changes in the first few days after surgery, with more toned chest and muscular appearance. The pectoral implant intervention is reliable and the results are long lasting, and with the advances in medicine it is possible to have a very high-quality prosthesis.