Body contouring surgery

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Hereafter our body procedures :

Surgical advances made in the field of plastic surgery allow to magnify the body by correcting defects or embellishing certain details with great precision. And all parts of the body can be beautified through different surgical techniques.

Loose belly, drooping arms, excess fat in the thighs, hips, back... Nearly all physical flaws causing embarrassment can be corrected with body cosmetic surgeries like: the abdominoplasty, liposuction, body lift, arms lift, thighs lift, hips lift, back lift...


Tummy tuck refers to restorative or plastic surgery of the belly, also called abdominoplasty or abdominal dermolipectomy, this procedure remodels the abdomen by removing excess fat, excess skin, but also by restructuring and strengthening the muscles of the abdominal wall.

The abdominoplasty comes in three types of surgeries depending on the body of the patient: The abdominal liposuction, which is indicated when the only problem is a fat excess. Or the mini tummy tuck, which is a localized abdominoplasty in the case of a small round belly with a moderate excess skin prevailing below the navel. This technique does not require to reposition the the belly button. And lastly the classic abdominoplasty which is recommended in the case of massive skin and fat excesses (marked distension, notable stretch marks, loss of tone, apron, scars...) and/or muscle damage (diastasis, hernias, release).


Liposuction or fat removal surgery is a surgical technique that aims to enhance the body contour by eliminating excess fat located between the skin and the muscles. In fact, it consists of inserting very thin cannulas from small incisions made in the area to be operated. Moreover, liposuction is also known as lipostructure, this surgery is the most widespread on the world because of its effective result on the body. The body surgery involves different areas such as hips, butt, knees, ankles, belly, thighs, arms, chest, calves, etc.

The surgery length depends on the area to be treated and the amount of fat to be aspirated, but it often varies between 30 minutes and 2 hours. A more complicated lipostructure (associated with other surgeries such as a tummy tuck) may take up to 5 hours.

Body lift

The body-lift consists of removing excess fat and skin from the body trunk or mid-section. A body lift combines several surgical procedures to improve the overall appearance of the patient's body. It is performed by removing excess skin and stretching the remaining skin. Moreover, body lift surgery can treat cellulite.

Arm lift

The arm lift is a body surgery that aims to remove excess skin located on the inner side of the arms. By removing this excess skin, the inner arm lift allows toning and firming the arms' skin. Moreover, an arm lift surgery is performed under general anesthesia and lasts more than one hour depending on the importance of excess skin. Brachial liposuction precedes the arms lift. Indeed, its objective is to aspirate the localized excess fat in order to have a significant amount of skin to be removed. Furthermore, the excess skin removal can be performed according to three techniques, and thus, three types of scars. Besides, this choice mainly depends on the amount of sagging skin. As for the result, the arms become toned and firmed, and drooping skin is diminished.

Hips lift

This part of the body is known to accumulate fat rapidly and in big quantities. The hips lifting procedure reshapes considerably the body as the hips give the body it's silhouette shape.

Thigh lift

The thigh lift surgery enhances the inner thighs contour by removing the sagging skin. This cosmetic surgery aims to remove excess skin and fat from the inner thighs with the ultimate goal of firming and especially toning the thighs. It is performed by doing a liposuction to remove excess fat from the thighs and then the removal of the excess skin.

Back lift

The back lift procedure involves removing excess fat and loose skin located on the back. The excess fat (back folds) can occur after a significant weight loss, or on the contrary if there is a weight gain with obviously a lack of physical activity. Besides, this procedure relies on two techniques: the fat is extracted by means of fine cannulas introduced under the skin "liposuction" plus the removal of the excess skin which suffers from a very important laxity. Both techniques are combined to ensure the desired outcome for the patient..